R4 Leadership Team Meeting 3/28


We have an ARES Region 4 Leadership Team meeting coming up on Thursday, March 28. The meeting will be held at the Red Cross in Uncasville (1031 CT-32, Uncasville, CT) at 7 pm.

The major agenda item will be the recent revision of the ARES Plan and updates to our local EOP. Here’s a link to the agenda.

Hope to see everyone on Thursday.

Vinny KB1JDX

2018 Simulated Emergency Test

This year’s Simulated Emergency Test, or SET, is scheduled for Saturday, October 6th. For those who haven’t participated in a SET before, there will be a scenario given to us (see link below) which will require us to run nets and collect simulated information from those who check in. Every checkin counts! Even if you can’t participate in everything the scenario calls for, please check in to the nets anyway.

With that being said, this years SET will be an accelerated event with the majority of the activity taking place between 9 am and noon.

Additional information can be found here: http://ctares.org/set18.php
Take a look at the Player Handbook. Lots of good information there.

More information will be sent out or posted to the website above if/when it is available. Those who signed up for text notifications on the Region 4 website will get an announcement text.

Hope to hear everyone on the air on the 6th!

Vinny Mazzarella, KB1JDX
DEC – CT ARES Region 4

Leadership Team Meeting 9/27


We have an ARES Region 4 Leadership Team meeting coming up on Thursday, Sept. 27. The meeting will be held at the Plainfield EOC (53 Black Hill Rd, Plainfield, CT) at 7 pm.

The major agenda item will be the upcoming SET (Oct. 6). Let me know if you have any business that we should add to the agenda.

Hope to see everyone on Thursday. 73!
Vinny KB1JDX

Assistance needed for VJ Day Parade 8/12

Assistance is needed for the annual Moosup VJ Day Parade. See info below for dates and times.
Please let me know if you are able to help out with. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Who:  Moosup, CT
What:  America’s V.J. Day Parade
Where:  Moosup Fire Department, Moosup, CT
When:  Sunday Aug 12, 2018 – 9:00 AM for assignments and breakfast (cheap… all you can eat!)
Additional Info:  10 – 12 OPS needed. If you can’t make breakfast, we can get you in a position anywhere from 10:00 to 11:00. Parade starts at 1:01 pm, done by 2:00 pm.

Vinny Mazzarella, KB1JDX
DEC – CT ARES Region 4

R4LT Meeting – June 14

Quick reminder about tonight’s Leadership Team meeting. All amateurs with an interest in ARES are welcome to attend. We have two people from the Medical Reserve Corp. coming to give a presentation on what they do and how we can work together as well. It should be a fun and informative meeting.
Meeting will be at the Colchester EOC (215 Halls Hill Rd, Colchester, CT) at 7 PM. Hope you can join us!

Vinny Mazzarella, KB1JDX
DEC – CT ARES Region 4
AEC – Windham County Skywarn

Skywarn Training – Windham County

The National Weather Service (NWS) in Boston/Norton Massachusetts will be sponsoring a severe weather spotter training session, part of its SKYWARN program.

The session is open to the public at no charge. Amateur Radio Operators, Emergency managers, police, fire, and other first responders are encouraged to attend. Everyone age 16 and olderwho stays to complete the training will be able to become trained NWS weather spotters.

The training session includes a two-hour thirty-minute computer-based presentation, which discusses the development of thunderstorms, the criteria for “severe” thunderstorms, as well as the cloud features associated with severe thunderstorms and tornados. Additional information will be presented about winter storms and proper snow measurement and reporting of coastal flooding, river, stream, and urban flooding and rainfall measurements. The session will also present the procedure for reporting weather information to the National Weather Service. Safety procedures for the various forms of summer severe weather (severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and lightning), winter storms, and flooding will also be covered in the training session. Anyone attending should bring a pen or pencil and bringing a notebook is optional.

Training is free but registration required: Click here to register


Wed, May 23, 2018
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
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Hampton Community Center
178 Main Street
Hampton, CT
View Map

R4LT Meeting – March 22


Sorry for the late notice but this Thursday (3/22) we will be having the ARES Region 4 Leadership Team Meeting at the QV Dispatch Center in Killingly. The meeting starts at 7 pm and all are welcome.

Here is a link to the agenda: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6fnnxfqwlv4t5a4/R4LT%20Agenda%202018-03-22.docx?dl=0

Vinny KB1JDX
DEC – CT ARES Region 4

R4LT Meeting – January 25th

Hello everyone,

Next Thursday (January 25th) will be our first Region 4 Leadership Team meeting of 2018. All are welcome to attend. The meeting will be at the Colchester EOC (215 Halls Hill Rd. Colchester, CT) at 7 pm.

We will be having a Broadband Hamnet (HSMM-MESH) demonstration/show-and-tell. Lots of cool equipment to check out.

Here is the tentative agenda: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xf2det033dpyvz0/R4LT%20Agenda%202018-01-25.docx?dl=0

Vinny KB1JDX

2017 Simulated Emergency Test

This year’s Simulated Emergency Test, or SET, is scheduled for Saturday, October 14th. For those who haven’t participated in a SET before, there will be a scenario given to us on the morning of the event which will require us to run nets and collect simulated information from those who check in. Every checkin counts! Even if you can’t participate in everything the scenario calls for, please check in to the nets anyway.

With that being said, this years SET will be an accelerated event with the majority of the activity taking place between 9 am and noon. Given that, we will most likely be holding ARES nets at 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30 for both Region 4 North (N – 147.225) and South (D – 147.060). We will run a final net on DMR TAC 4 at 12:30. Skywarn may be involved as well, depending on the scenario. Suggested times for Skywarn nets is on the hour (e.g 10:00, 11:00, 12:00).

Additional information can be found here: http://ctares.org/set17.php
Take a look at the Player Handbook. Lots of good information there.

More information will be sent out or posted to the website above if/when it is available. Those who signed up for text notifications on the Region 4 website will get an announcement text.

Hope to hear everyone on the air on the 14th!

Vinny Mazzarella, KB1JDX
DEC – CT ARES Region 4